If a guy has money problems, he's lucky to have a girlfriend. He might as well go homeless. But still, breaking up with his girlfriend like that, for money, and slipping it to his friend. Well, it's crazy how he's going to look him in the eye later, when the money will not be a problem. Most of all it struck me how the girl, with a satisfied look, took the seed of this rich friend. At that moment I wondered if she still needed her boyfriend.
How I love this swingers fun! And the girls this time, all model-looking. Good for the men! By the way, did you notice how all three girls were hanging around the black guy? They saw that he had the biggest dick and immediately surrounded him with their attention. I would have felt sorry for my wife, but I would have loved to participate.
What adorable sisters! I especially liked the older one, juicy, mature. And she had a very good idea - to loosen up her little sister in this way, and not with a stranger from the street, whom one might be wary of, but offered her tried-and-true boyfriend. The older sister still needs to teach the younger one how to shave her pussy, either naked like her own, or to get a nicer intimate haircut.
That's a good fuck, she's a real hard-ass.